Elder Taylor Roberts, Mozambique Maputo South Africa, June 26, 2013 - June 26, 2015
Monday, December 23, 2013
Week 20 YEAH!! Christmas a call from Taylor
Hi mom this wont be much of a letter either! but I will be on skype at
about 7:00 or 7:30 AM on christmas morning but its like 10:00 or 10:30 pm in
Arizona on Christmas Eve!!! I will give you all the stories on Skype!! I get 45 min on skype and I dont think
skype costs so you need to make an account for skype and send me your name and
email and all ASAP or we wont be able to talk!!!!
Week 19
Hey family how are you guys this week I'm a little late today and
won't be able to write a huge email today because the power has been out all day!!
but I'm doing good beside the fact that I don't have a camera!!! hahah but yeah
and I have been looking for it on the street but haven't found it!!! hahah ohhh
and apparently the biggest black market in Africa is here in Maputo so if I want
to buy stolen goods I can just go there!!! hahah and yeah there are lots of legit
places to buy cameras here!!! and you don't have to feel bad about not sending a
package but a birthday package would always make up for that!! hahah and the
packages almost always get here I haven heard of any one getting theirs stolen!! They all tell me put pictures of Jesus all over it and you'll be safe!!! hahah
but Christmas money for a camera would be nice!! and we are allowed to have i
pods as long as its just church music and like EFY music and stuff like that!! This week was good we made a lot of contacts by talking to people in the streets
we have been trying to talk to every one and trying to find new way to be more
effective because here its very hard to sit with people and have lessons they
always make up stupid excuses on why they cant make it!! But this week we sat
with a lot of new people we had 15 new investigators which is way better than
last week!!! But yeah we have been trying hard to be more obedient and because
of this we are seeing the lord bless our area we are having way more success! We
still have some things to work on though like we aren' t exactly obedient because
we don't like to work out in the morning and little thing like that but we are
doing better on not showing up to the house late and going to bed late and
waking up late!!! hahah We are having another baptism this week and we will
baptize a family and another young man!! The youth in this branch are awesome we
this will be the second baptism in 2 transfers because of them being ward
missionary's!! And the family we are baptizing is awesome and they are a living
testimony that the gospel blesses familys because when we first got there they
would always argue and they fight a lot and you could always feel the tension in
the house when we went over there but now they are a whole new family!!! They
read the scriptures every night together and pray as a family and they get
along WAY BETTER!!!! They could never agree on anything but now they are one big
happy family!!! Next week is transfers and I dont know if I will stay or leave!! I would be fine with either I love Magoanine but I have been here awhile but
wherever the lord wants me ill go!! okay and the elders in my apt. first we
have Elder Robinson my companion! He is a goob!!! He is from Eugune Orgeon!! and
likes to scare little kids here and chase them it's very entertaining!! and his
jokes are soo stupid they are hilarious!!!! I will tell you about the rest next
week just don't let me forget!! because I don't have much time okay and yes ill
pray for help on what dad should do on work!! THAT'S AWESOME THAT YOU DID SO GOOD
SELLING AT THE WRESTLING TOURNAMENT!!! and Saydi got an I phone 5!!!!! WHAT!! QUE
ISSO!!! NAO PODE FAZER ISSO!!! Tell Tobie to toughen up a little!!! hahah just
joking but for real!! and nice job Kade on the cowboy poet thing!! and Saydi you
cant date you are to young! haha and dad you knee needs to get better!!! Hows
the ward doing in Wickenburg? This part is for Tobie and Kade last p-day we went
to a zoo or kind of a zoo it had monkeys and crocodiles and that was it but we
bought some live chickens outside of the zoo and snuck them in and fed them to
the crocs!!! hahaha it was awesome!!! and the government here is a mess!!! yes
bigger than Obama!! haha its very corrupt and up in the north there is a war
going on between two political parties!! its nice its between the people in
power and the people who want to be in power and be just as bad!! haha but they
had elections here 2 weeks ago and Frelimo is in power but edm the best party
who actually fight for the people won but the other stole votes and its just a
mess!! but the war is between Frelimo and Ranalmo and Edm just wants the people
to be happy!! haha well that all the time I have and I didn't write to anybody
else so post this on facebook or somthing!!! bye love you guys!!! talk to you in
a couple weeks!!!
Week 18 They took my freakin' camera!!
December 12, 2013
This week was good except I need a new camera!! and I already have these pictures!! whats it look like we are doing? the weather is hot and humid and then it rains for like 3 days and then its hot and humid for a week and then it rains!!! hahah it gets like 100 but feels way hotter due to the humidity!! and yes I have only been cold once because it was pouring and windy and I was soaked!! sounds like you guys had a great thanksgiving I made pizza for ours barbecue chicken bacon and banana was freaking good! and pumpkin pie and rolls!! What kind of phone did Saydi get? Ok I will think of some stories for you and the reason I need a new camera is our house got robbed!!! hahaha it sucks!!! but luckily I still have my memory card! (MOMS NOTE: This was our personal email the other one is his general letter that he sends out to everyone.)
Hey everyone whats up!!! I had a good week this week except for Wednesday
but Ill get to that later!!
Monday: we had a funeral for the other
companions investigator he was going to get married and baptized next week but
he got sick and went into a comma and died! Friday: We taught Adolf about the word of wisdom and he is getting baptized on
the 13 as well
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Week 17
Heyy guys!!! I'm doing great!!!! I was soo glad to hear where Tyler and Riss are going!!!! They will be great missionary's!!! there is not much
new with me I'm just doing the work of the Lord!!! hahah What do you
need a full length picture of me for? I will get that to you next
week! and my address is in my call book. I got one letter from grandma
Carol that was nice and just put whatever in the Christmas card pick
and choose from all my letters!! hhahah And tell Wendy eccos are the
way to go!!!! they are the best shoes for your mission!!! and the pants
all depends on the person but i have no preference!! but i don't carry my
passport with me I have a copy my passport is in a safe at the
mission office! I am way excited for Tyler!!!!! Haha More cats I cant
believe Herman is still alive!!! hahah did Kade win or did you win?
hahahah And if dad sold the rig would he work in Texas or take the rig
to Texas? and that would be pretty crazy if we moved to Texas!!! hahah
who was the guy she was starting to date what was his name? hahah yeah
that's good they broke up!! Tell Tobie congrats and I wish I were there
to see the game!! haha I miss those Sundays where Tyler and I would try
to convince you guys to go over to their house for dinner!!! hahah and i get whatever I make for thanksgiving!! hahah But if you want you can
send me a recipe book full of everything with all types of food
because I want to try more stuff just send me a recipe book so I can
make new stuff!! hahah miss you guys to I love you and have a great
Tuesday: we found a few new investigators a young man named Adolf
he is a friend of some kids in the ward and they gave us his reference
and they all call him Hitler!!! hahah its pretty funny
wed: we
hung out in the house all day and chilled I made rolls and pumpkin
pie!! and the pie turned out pretty good even though I just winged it!!
oh and I cleaned while everyone one else slept!! hahah I have the
messiest elders in my house!!! it sucks!!
Thursday: we just worked hard and found a few new family's we
taught this one family Olympio and Elsa and he doesnt have a job right
now but we were talking about the commandments and how they will bless
his life materially and spiritually and he just started asking what can i
do to be blessed and then he was like I'll do everything!!! It was pretty
Friday:we went to the city and had a district leader training and
on the way back we took the wrong chappa (15 passenger van that is like
a bus) hahah an it took us an extra 45 min to get home!! it sucked and
they were playing terrible music!!! stupid African music!!
Saturday: we had to go back in to the city!! we had zone training!!
it was great learned a bunch of new ideas on how to be a better
missionary!! and that night we had a sweet lesson!!! with a guy named Irmenijilido!! he is a big catholic but is open to new things and
while we were teaching he was like when you guy teach you teach with
power and I feel like a warm peace in my heart!! We were like heck
yeah!!! Thats the spirit!!!
Sunday: we had church!! haha and we were walking to a lesson and
there was a huge wedding going on and the only way to walk by was
through the wedding so we started walking through and they started
cheering so we were like waving like yeah were awesome and then we said
shicanie which is good afternoon in African dialect and they went crazy
and started cheering and yelling it was hilarious!!! That's about it for
this week
Heyy guys!!! This week not much new stuff has happened!!
Monday: we had a half p-day because they were having elections and we weren't allowed to leave the house on Wednesday!!! Week 16
November 18, 2013
Heyy family, We had another great week over here in Africa!!! We had transfers last week and I stayed here in Magoanine I am way excited for Tyler and Marissa!! and Obama sucks!! hahah Im glad I wasn't home for yard work!! hahah How is everyone doing? Tobi, Kade and Saydi?? and that sucks about dads knee!!! and I'm kind of jealous about you guys getting a cow!!! Hows work going? My comp is good but I've've been with him a while hahah the cleaning is going a little better but not much and my Portuguese is coming along and I can say the prayer just fine!! yes I've set goals !!!!
Monday: we went to the city and chilled haha we just walked around!!! bought the game Risk!Heyy family, We had another great week over here in Africa!!! We had transfers last week and I stayed here in Magoanine I am way excited for Tyler and Marissa!! and Obama sucks!! hahah Im glad I wasn't home for yard work!! hahah How is everyone doing? Tobi, Kade and Saydi?? and that sucks about dads knee!!! and I'm kind of jealous about you guys getting a cow!!! Hows work going? My comp is good but I've've been with him a while hahah the cleaning is going a little better but not much and my Portuguese is coming along and I can say the prayer just fine!! yes I've set goals !!!!
Week 15
November 11, 2013
This week was kinda crazy!!!!!!!!
Tuesday: Elder porter got transferred so his comp was with us for the next 2 days!Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Week 14
November 4-9, 2013
This week was kinda crazy!!!!!!!!
Tuesday: Elder Porter got transferred so his comp. was with us for the next 2 days!Friday, November 8, 2013
Week 13
October 28- November 1, 2013
Heyy mom I'm sorry about the email but last
week while I was writing the power went out so I couldn't do anything
about it!! I got the short email off and I was typing the other one and
down went the power!!!! I loved the costumes hahah yours looked pretty
scary what was Tobie and Saydi for Halloween???? I'm sure dad didn't
dress up or he went as Bishop Roberts!!! hahah I am doing good we
had transfers today and I am staying in Magoanine with Elder Robinson!!!!! And I got some recipes from her but not a lot!!!! We
haven't had the weddings and baptism yet because when we open the wedding
process it takes 2 weeks to go through and we can pick them up on
Wednesday so the baptisms will be this week we have 2 families getting
baptized and one youth who is 16!!! So this will be a good week and we
also hope to have 1 or 2 other families starting on their papers so we
could have 4 families baptized this transfer if we work our freaking
butts off and everything goes right!!!!! I will try to explain the
photos better from now on and yes that was the baptismal font and my
companion is the other blonde haired one!!!! And the one who got his
call is Alexio and he is going to Angola!!!!!! And yes we have 3
albinos in our ward but they are really cool guys!!!! One of them has
served a mission and the others haven't yet but they will!! Believe it or
not there are a lot of albinos here I have seen about 30 in my area!!! The
names of the albinos are Bennindito, Naldo, and Edmundo!!!
Monday:it was raining so we went and cleaned the house and then
played a card game called munchkins and it was freaking fun!!! and I won!!!! hahah later that night we went to our best family's house Carlos
and Joanna! they will be baptized this week!!!! but they were prepared
by the lord!!!!!! Sunday, November 3, 2013
Week 12
(Note to Everyone: Another short letter from Taylor and again he was answering questions from my last email. Its always nice to get a letter when they finally recognize what you have been teaching them for the last 18 years sinks in>)
Your week sounds interesting!!! All the injury's and Tobie!!! hahah
and the money was because i took out the 100 dollars the Hancocks gave me and
that's why!!! But i'll only spend like 30-40 every month if that!! I might be
able to buy clothes that fit but I don't know where to get them!!! and I should
be good on clothes for a while!!!! I'll try to remember to send the
picture!!!( Mom wants a full length picture) and I am really surprised that the cat is still alive!!! But i just
want to let you know that i am sorry for being a slob and leaving dishes and
complaining about washing dishes and leaving messes you you to clean!!! I know
how you feel now, me and one other elder try to keep the house clean but when
its 2 clean people -vs- 4 dirty people we loose!!! and we get on every body but in
the end its us who wash the dishes!!! I'm sorry!!! And what happened to dads
knee ?? hahah
Week 11
(Note to everyone: In this letter Taylor is pretty much just answering questions that I have asked him so I am not sure if you will be able to understand this letter , In the quotes I have put the questions I have asked him. So here it is.)
Hey family I'm sorry but today will be a short letter, but today
has been good its been raining for 3 days! We will be opening two marriage
processes tomorrow!!! On Nov. 2 we will be baptizing 2 families and one
teenager!! That's scary that Saydi drove all the way to surprise!!! But its
good that she went out!! and its about time you got new tires!! hahahah and I knew she was going on her mission (Marissa) like 3 or 4 weeks ago!!! hahah and if you send
a package now it will get here by my birthday maybe!! hahah and it costs like 50
or 60 bucks to send one!!! and do you remember Uncle Marks friend who's son is in Mozambique he lives in the same house as me right now and he knows Mark!! hahah
and my clothes are doing alright but two of the shirts you got me don't fit so I only have 4 short sleeve shirts and they don't fit because they are 15 1/2
regular and my other shirts are just 15 1/2 and they fit fine! (Asking about if we can send Taylor money to help Families get married) We aren't
supposed to help them but what we do is we say if you make us dinner we will pay
you like 200 meticals and help them that way but we just cant give them the money!! Hey can you send me the recipe for lasagna and your special chocolate sauce and
anything else that is good!!! or if you send a package send a recipe book of
all sorts of food and anything!!! I love you guys and i will talk you you next
week bye love you!!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Week 10
I learned a lot this week and had some pretty interesting experiences!!!
But sadly we didn't find many new families’ to teach!!!!
I’m going to write a little different this week I’m going to
tell you about our investigators!!
Joao and Zita: this family is our family closest to
baptism!!! We have been teaching them for a really long time like 9 weeks!! They
are a very poor family but some of the greatest faith I've seen!!! they have one daughter as well who will be baptized!!
They own a little shop and they sell stuff out of a shipping container!! They don’t
have like any money but they are getting married which cost a lot here!! Like
1000 MT but they should be opening up their marriage process this week so they
can sign the papers to get baptized!!!
Carlos and Joanna: this family is awesome we have been
teaching them for 3 weeks and we should be able to open up the marriage process
this week!!!! They are a young family with one extremely wild 1 1/2 year old
son named Wesley!!! He is the craziest kid ever, his hobbies are destroying
things!!! He runs around and flirts with little girls during church!!! This
family is a strong family and they have been to church 3 times and he brought
one of his friends this week because he said he knew the church was true!!
Calisto and Joanna: this family is also a really young
family! They live like 45 min away from the church but they still come!! He was
a reference from his brother who got baptized just like 1 moth ago!! His
brother lives in Beria which is in the top half of the country!! They have two
kids one who is 7 and a little girl named Ika!! We had a great lesson with them
about the law of chastity and that they need to get married so they can get
baptized and I told him I think your brother got married so he could be
baptized and he was like no he isn't married so he called him up and was like
WHAT you are married!!!! And then we here my wedding is going to be better than
yours was!!!!! hahaha Elder Robinson and
I just looked at each other and were like Yeah!!!!! This family is awesome!!
Alberto and Carolina: I love this family they have 4 kids 1
boy and 3 girls and their relationship isn't perfect but it’s getting better as
we help them get closer to Christ!!! They have a little boy named Wagoner which is a really weird name for here!!! But
he is understanding everything we teach him like a boss but his wife is a
little slower to understand!! It was really cool our last lesson with them he
bore his testimony to us and was like I know your church is true because I just
feel it and I don’t believe you would come from America to walk around every
day in the hot sun and through the sand to share this message if it wasn't
true!!! It was really awesome and you could feel the spirit way strong!!!! We have been teaching them for 4 weeks!!!!!!
Amerall and Enuice: this family is awesome he is one of the
top people in the military here!!! He lived for 5 years in Russia!!!! He can
speak fluent Russian!!! He and his wife had a drinking problem but as we have
been teaching them you can actually see the change in them he is way happier
and he has a strong testimony of the church already!!! Last time we went over
there they had a nice cake they bought and he said instead of drinking we eat
cake now!!! hahahah they have three boys!! He is the funniest guy I know here!! That's a little summary of our investigators!!
I have a few interesting stories this week!! First one
We went to a new investigators house and got inside and were
look at his walls and looking at all his
pictures he’s got pictures of Jesus and family all over his walls and then we
look on his other wall and there is a huge picture of a naked chick!!! and were
like crap!!! and he sits right
underneath it!! Needless to say we didn't stay very long!!! Yesterday I was
walking down the street and this random drunk guy runs across the road and
freaking shoulder checks me!!!! hahahah I didn't even see him coming but luckily
I’m a big guy because he hit me at like a sprint or as fast as a drunk guy can
run but he like bounces off of me and lands like 5 feet in front of me on the
road!!! I was confused on what just
happened and he gets right back up and starts running and goes up to another
person and scares the crap out of them and starts chasing people!!! hahah he
was an interesting guy!!! hahaha but the funniest thing was it was the zone leaders
birthday on Saturday so we all bought him stuff and made him a cake and we went
in to his room and barged in and he had no idea we were going to do this and no
one said anything to him all day so we get in there and sing to him and give
him all this stuff and he is like I’m very surprised hahahah thank you but it’s
not my B-Day and none of us believed him because he always does this
stuff!! So we just shrugged it off and
he is like no it’s not my birthday and pulls out his ID and shows us hahah and
his birthday turned out to be the next month!!!!! hahaha it was funny!!!! and that’s
about it this week!!I love you guys!!!
Tchau Elder Roberts!!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Week 9
Monday: Elder Robinson and I went into the capital city Maputo to
explore and we both have only been in the city once before so we were like lost
the entire time but we found the one thing we were looking for!!! a restaurant
called Mundos!!!! and it was freaking good!!! I had the Thai pizza it had
chicken, pineapple and bacon wrapped bananas!!! freaking good!!! and later that
night Elder Robinson went to get a hair cut:and half way through the power went
out so he had like half of his hair cut and couldn't do anything about it!!! hahah
so he had to work for like 2 hours with half cut hair!! hahahah
Tuesday: We had zone conference and that was awesome!!! President Kretly is
awesome our goal in the mission is to have 4 stakes by the end of my mission!!!! We have 0 right now!!! We have some work to do!!!!!!
Wednesday: This week was tough we had almost all our lessons fall!! But we
have been trying to find new family's!!!
Thursday: Again we had all but one of our lessons fall and the one that
didn't was with a family that is getting married and baptized in 2
Friday: Not much happened but we did have a lesson marked and we went to
meet the guy at the gas station and he was freaking drunk out of his mind!!! It
was hilarious he could barley remember how to get to his house and he was
tripping on everything!!!
Saturday: We had a service project a clothes drive for an old folks home
and after we had food and that was good!!! That night we while we were waiting
for a member to meet us at the gas station this guy come up and is like lets go
and we were like where and he didn't say anything so we just walked away and we
look back and he is following us so we crossed the road and start walking back
the other way he jumps the road and is coming after us again so we jump the
road again and we look and hes looking around for us and were just trying to
loose him and he just keeps following us so we jump the road one more time and
go down a road and take a bunch of turns and never saw him again!! hahah
I hope all is well back home!!! Love
Elder Roberts
Bacon Wrapped banana pineapple pizza

Monday, September 30, 2013
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