Sunday, December 28, 2014

A letter and video from Taylors Mission President

Dear Parents and Leaders of Mozambique Maputo Mission Missionaries,

This year is ending and the  Lord make possible huge realizations in this part of His work.

I'm glad to announce that by the end of this year the mission will achieve the land mark of 500 complete families baptized.

Besides that we have sent the paper work to the Church Headquarter to apply for the first two stakes in Mozambique. One in Maputo City (Capital)  and another in Beira City (central of the Coutry and second largest city in our mission). Please, we would like to have your prayers and if this is the will of our Heavenly Father,  this miracle can happen in our mission and finally Mozambique have their first Stake.

As you all know, in order to that happen, many miracles happened and your missionary are part of that. A lot of hard work, faith and obedience has made this possible. I believe that in other missions there are also great missionaries but not greater than the ones in Maputo Mozambique Mission. They are really extraordinary missionaries! We love them and we are blessed to have them here as a part of our lives.

As usual, in the end of every year we publish on youtube a video with pictures of our missionaries during that year. The 2014 video is already published:

We you enjoy to see our missionaries.

With love and appreciation,

President and Sister Kretly

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