Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 5

Heyy y'all!! It sounds like you had a lot of fun at the family reunion!!! I wish could have been there!!  I cant wait to see baby Liam!!! What did Kade get for his birthday??  Can you send me some recipes?? hahah  The one I want the most is the gravy for biscuits and gravy!!! This week was good we didn't have a lot of action this week though!! It was a pretty slow week!!  First i'll answer questions the language is very frustrating it seems like I cant speak a lick of Portuguese, but i'm slowly getting better, I love my area but it is like walking in the sand dunes everywhere you go!!! hahah  My comp is great we get along good and don't worry I always take my malaria pills
Monday: after we emailed we played soccer again and this time we played kids that were almost our age and we got destroyed I think the score was 30 to 10 half of their points is because I suck at goalie!!
Tuesday: We started the marriage papers for one of our investigators Joao and Zita!! This family is amazing they have soo much faith!!! They have a little store on the side of the road and sell whatever they can and they sold alcohol and cigarettes and we explained that they should stop selling it so they can get baptized and this family does not have a lot of money and their biggest income was alcohol and cigars but they stopped selling it and after that every time we walked by there was no one at their store so we were like aww man they are getting no business so we would go talk to him and he seemed much happier and said they were making money but I don't know how because there was never anyone there!!
Wednesday: just another day we contacted and found another family to teach and when we found this family their son was wearing a BYU shirt!!! hahah so we were like this family is getting baptized!!! 
Thursday: we went to our main investigator Ammerall who's is having a hard time with the word of wisdom because he likes to drink!!! hahah but we went by and he wasn't there so we just assumed the worst and he was out drinking because every time we stop by he wasn't home!!  We then taught another family whose house is as big as the utility room in our house and they have one kid and they all just sleep on the floor!!! but that lesson went very well!!
Friday: We went on splits with the other elders and I am lucky to have my companion because the others are lazy!! hahah but we we went and taught a lesson I saw the biggest spider I have ever seen!!! It was the size of my hand !!! It was freaking huge!!!
Saturday: We had to help set up a wedding and that took all day!!!!! but we got to eat the food at the wedding  and we got lots of soda!!! I don't even know who got married but there was good food there!!!
Sunday: in the morning we went to go pick up an investigator but he lied to us and he wasn't even home so we went to Ammeralls house (the one that has drinking problems) we got there to make sure he was coming to church and when we got there he was laying on his couch sick because Friday night he got stabbed in the chest by some bandits!!! The knife even punctured his lung!!! He had a big gash in his chest so we were just taking his wife to church and right before we left he comes out all dressed and said the holy ghost touched my heart and said I need to go to church!!!! We were like WHAAAA!! it was awesome!!!!  After church we went over to his house and gave him a blessing to recover fully from his wound!!! it was awesome!!!!

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