Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 85 65 Days and counting....

Hey family this week was a good week it sounds like you guys are staying busy! Nothing really cool or special happened this week but it was a good one and hoping to improve until the end!!
On Monday we hiked old mans head again saw some huge lizards and also we had a family night at a members house with President Machava (the branch pres.) it was really good we talked about temples and we are trying to get like 4 or 5 families to the temples because none of the people here have been yet!! Right now our job is to get them there and it is a big sacrifice for them for passports it is about 100 bucks a person so if they have children which most have three or more it costs a lot and then they have the travel costs and everything else.
Tuesday was a holiday women's day so there wasn't much work done on that day no one was home so it wasn't a very successful day. 
Wednesday was just a normal day we just did the normal routine.
Thursday and Friday were normal as well.  Saturday we were supposed to have an activity where all the members come in the morning and then we go visit all the less actives but no one came haha
We had English class and we made chicken burritos!!! 
Sunady was a good day, we had 6 investigating families at church my comp gave a talk he was called at 8 in the morning to give it and I taught elders quorum and was advised with no time in advance. but it was a good Sunday
so as of now we have a big teaching pool we have 7  families.
1. Chavier and Vaida  they are a very nice family the have 4 daughters that are members they are planning on getting married
2. Chuva and Eugenia he is a member but she isn't and they are not married so we are working with them
3. Luis and Manhina same story as Chuva the are working on documents to get married.
4. Giliberto and Mamuna this is the family we found by accident thinking it was their neighbors but they are doing good and are working on getting married.
6. Joao and Fatima the neighbors of Giliberto they as well are working on getting married
7. Domingos and Olaria they have the documents to get married but are having problems in their relationship so we have to do some counseling with them. 
but I am loving it up here in Chimoio I love you have a great week!!

Week 84 The countdown is on!!

I'm doing great well they don't really do anything here for Easter. How were the talks at conference? I am jealous about the crepes.  This week was good we just worked and did what we always do we had to fill up the water tank again so that stunk and today we don't have water either.
Did you know you have 72 days left! actually 70
How is Chimioi? I love it
How is your companion? awesome
Does your companion have a blog? no
How many are in your branch?  this week we had 114 in the branch
Do you find the church is ran differently in the different areas you are in? yes and no every president has his way of doing things but for the most part it is the same
What are you going to do for p-day today? going to hike Cabeca do Velho(The Old mans head)
What is the first thing you want to do when you get home? go to the dentist and the chiropractor Haha
How are the families your are teaching?  Well we are dropping Domingos and Olaria because they haven't done much since I have been here.
Do you have any baptisms scheduled? yes at the end of the month we have two and hopefully more
The best thing about this new area?  The people are very accepting and there are no other elders here to tell you what to do.
The worst thing about this area? there isn't one.
Is this area a little more poor than the other areas?  Well we have the whole city so there are poor parts and rich parts
love you

Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 83 Short Letter but we have Pictures

So this week has been a good week and I was freaked out by the July 15 as well!!(We got his itinerary and instead of it saying Taylor was coming home June 15th it said July 15th, I sent a letter to the mission president to clarify and they had made a mistake so he is leaving June 15th and will be home on the 16th)  I am liking my new companion, bro means I like him he is from Salem Utah and has 10 months on the mission. We have been working hard this week and I just got to finish till the end. On filling the water tanks, no we only had to fill up the tank once the water started coming in again after that!! When we didn't have water we  took bucket showers with water bottles we can drink the water but there is a chance of getting sick so we have filters at our house love you have a good week!!!!

We fixed this bathroom  for an old guy in our branch.  We are master builders the before and after photos!! We went to cut some trees down to build the bathroom.

Our water tower that we hauled the water up to.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

WEEK 82 A baby Chameleon and Transfers!

Hey family,
 Well I am now on my 15 transfer, I only have this one and one more to go!!! We have been very blessed  these last few weeks with new investigators!! So we are teaching the same families this week and a few more.   We found this one family well so far we have just sat with him but his name is Topazio he is really open and excited to learn so we are excited for that but we had an interesting week this week.
 Monday we just chilled and played pool and slept and then at night while we were showering and we ran out of water so that sucked! Nothing special happened.

Tuesday we went to a funeral for a lady in our ward.  We started out at the hospital  and picked up the body and I have never smelled any thing so bad as that hospital it smelt like dead people it was terrible! After that  we came home and went out to work.

 A statue in our area of Samora Machell
the first President of Mozambique

Wednesday we found a chameleon on the road it was just a little guy we named him Pasquel like on Tangled and we still didn't have water  but it was just a normal day that morning. We had some guys come over and fix our a/c so we weren't able to go out in the morning but we still had a good day.

Thursday still no water but we had a really good day lots of lessons and walked with a member Carlitos and we found two new families.

Friday we woke up and we still didn't have water so we spent 2 hours filling up our water 1000  liter tank and the reason we didn't have water is because our tank is up on a tower  and the water company hasn't been putting out a lot of pressure so the water doesn't make it into our tank so we had a 20 liter bucket and filled it op to the top and one of us was on top pulling the bucket up with a rope while the other was on the ground filling up more buckets so that took 2 hours but it was fun. We went out that night and proselyted like normal.

Saturday was just a normal day we taught English and went out with our branch president to a few families so that was nice

Sunday I had to give a talk at church finally.  I spoke on how to strengthen your testimony it was a good talk and we had a good day.

Today are transfers my comp got transfered so my new com is Elder Mcalister  he is a bro so I am excited!! 
Hope you have a great week Love you

Have you lost or gained weight? lost weight
Have you gotten any taller?maybe
Are you still exercising? sometimes
Favorite thing about Chimioi? the people
What is one of your new favorite foods since you have been on your mission? i love chicken and fish
How is your turtle doing? he is doing good he is just chilling

Any Funny Stories this week?water tank story see above

Well this is a bridge in our area, the people who designed this were great architects 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week 81 We saw Giraffes!

Hey family! 
This week was a great week sounds like you had a great week in Mexico!!! Those jellyfish look pretty sweet!!! It sounds like the yard sale went well!! I want to see pictures of the new rig and new property.
Monday we went to this place called Casa Masika and we went exploring and we saw giraffes!!! It was freaking sweet but we walked a ton.  We got home and we taught some families we found a really nice family Jose and Vaida they have 4 daughters that are already members of the church and they have a baptismal date for the middle of April we are also teaching a family Domingos and Olaria who are real close to getting married they should open their marriage process next week!!! We are teachin Joao and Fatima and  Gilberto and Mamuna and Zacharais and Fernanda! So we have a big teaching pool and we are always finding new families!!! We just need to find the ones that are ready to be taught!!!
For fun here the kids set up tires and bounce off of them like a spring board and do flips in to the sand and so I always play with them and do flips and they all freak out but this time I went and did one and the tires were not strong and they like took my bounce so i landed on my but and they all laughed at me!!!

What are you doing for p-day? We are going to rest we have been very tired lately we are going to play pool and sleep
How was your week?good
Anything new or exciting or funny happen to you this week? SEE ABOVE
Do you know you only have 90 days left on your mission?YES!!!! I KNOW
Any new families or any new contacts?YES SEE ABOVE
Do you have any baptisms planned?yes
Are you still working on getting families to get married?YES
Anything else you want to tell us?SKYPE IN MAY!!!

Elder Roberts

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week 80 We got a turtle!

March 9, 2015

Hey family I am still a little jealous that you  are in Mexico but this week was good and as for my high point and low point I don't really know it was just a good week in general. Yes we are still teaching them but they didn't come to church so that was sad.  Yes we hiked it!! Yes it was my Eccos I will send a picture of them to you but I bought my comps Eccos that are to small for him that are brand new. they are actually boots. this area is nice because I like the branch and the weather is nice there are a ton of people unlike Swaziland where I saw the same people every day. yes as we hiked old mans head we saw like 8 baboons so that was sweet. the work is going good here not much has changed we have found a few new families this last week one which was way nice so I hope that will go somewhere. We also bought a turtle this week we named him woollberts goingson named after me and my comp and mine and his trainers. but we just call him Larry he just walks around our yard and sleeps.and yes there are lots of landmines but they are way out in the jungle!! I love you  have a great week!!!

Cabeca Do Velho means The Old Mans Head
This is Cabeca Do Velho

Week 79 It might be my favorite area

March 2,2015

Hi  Family I will say I am very jealous about you guys going to Mexico!!! VERY VERY JEALOUS!!   But this is whereIi belong!!! and yes I knew that Chimoio was the 5th largest and yes I know what Cabeca do Velho means, old mans head. That mountain is in my area so we will probably climb it today but I don't know. our area is the whole city of Chimoio!!!! I LOVE IT HERE it might be my favorite area.  well we have seen a lot of success this week had lots of lessons and contacts so we are being blessed for working hard! I know how you feel you have lots to do and you just want to do nothing!!!! THAT IS MY LIFE RIGHT NOW AND HAS BEEN SINCE THE START OF THE MISSION AND WILL BE TO THE END!!!

What are your plans for the week besides preaching the gospel. Haha  ALL I DO IS PREACH THE GOSPEL!!!!  
What are you doing for p-day? MAYBE HIKE A MOUNTAIN
Does your companion have a blog? NO
So is this place nicer than any of your others? I LOVE IT HERE
How do you rate this new area you are in?  Does it rank close to the top areas you have served in?  IT IS LIKE AT THE TOP I HAVE WANTED TO SERVE HERE SINCE THE BEGINNING
Anything new in your mission?  BERIA WILL HAVE A STAKE THIS MONTH
Have you set any other personal goals for the remainder of your mission? WORK HARD UNTIL THE END
See or do anything cool this week?  SAW A FIGHT ON OUR CHAPPA AND WE HELPED STOP IT!!! IT WAS VERY FUN
How is your branch President? HE IS A BRO!!!!
Have you been a district leader or zone leader or anything? NO AND I LIKE IT LIKE THIS I DON'T WANT TO BE A LEADER IN THE MISSION!!!
love you!!!!